EC opens a €34.8 million call for eco-innovation projects
(Original text is from Life Beyond Growth)
The European Commission has opened a call for eco-innovation projects for businesses and entrepreneurs from across Europe to help bring novel environmental projects to the market. The €34.8 million funding will support eco-innovative products, techniques, services and processes that aim to prevent or reduce environmental impacts, or which contribute to the optimal use of resources. The five main priority areas for this year include: materials recycling, water, sustainable building products, green business and the food and drink sector. Around 50 projects will be selected for funding and interested parties can apply until 6 September 2012.
Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for the Environment, highlighted that this programme "shows how businesses can help our economies to grow in an environmentally sustainable way, once they have the right support." There are already nearly 200 projects being set up or underway from past funding calls and include schemes such as converting old discarded TVs into tiles, new waste sorting mechanisms, innovative eco- packaging for milk, and a new technique for recycling textiles.
- Environment: €34.8 million in new funding to bring environmental solutions to market