French Greens support "Degrowth" and happiness movement
(Original text is from Life Beyond Growth)
In a long interview published in Le Monde, a prominent Green politician in France clarified the position of his party -- which holds two ministerial posts in the new government of President François Hollande -- on the subject of growth.
Interviewer: What is the position of Europe Ecology-The Greens on degrowth?
Jean-Vincent Placé: We are for the degrowth of polluting and energy-devouring industries, intensive agriculture, air and road transportation, and if we are for growth, it is the growth of happiness!
[Original Q&A for French speakers - Q: Quelle est la position d'EELV sur la décroissance? A: Nous sommes pour la décroissance des industries polluantes et énergivores, de l'agriculture intensive ou du transport aérien et routier, et si nous sommes pour la croissance, c'est la croissance du bonheur !]
Jean-Vincent Placé is a French Senator representing Essone (the southern part of the Paris metropolitan area) and president of the first group of green parliamentarians in France.
Le Monde, 25 June 2012