"Green Growth" getting stronger: GGGI to become an international organization
(Original text is from Life Beyond Growth)
Representatives of sixteen countries have gathered on June 20 at a side-event of the Rio+20 conference - Signing Ceremony for the Agreement on the Establishment of GGGI - to officially establish the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) as an international organization. The signatories of the Establishment Agreement - Australia, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ethiopia, Guyana, Kiribati, Korea, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, the Philippines, Qatar, the UAE, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam - will become the founding members of GGGI when it launches as a new international organization in October this year.
GGGI has been operational since 2010 with headquarters in Seoul, Republic of Korea. GGGI's main aim has been to pioneer "Green Growth" as a new model of environmentally sustainable economic growth and its conversion into an international organization is a step forward to spread this economic model further around the world.
GGGI partners with developing countries and emerging economies, including least developed countries, to develop green growth strategies and plans that deliver poverty reduction, job creation and social inclusion in an environmentally sustainable way. The Institute currently works in ten countries, including Brazil, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Thailand and UAE, and is expected to expand its set of partner countries in coming years.